Netball (7-a-side walking)


Cost per team

Categories: ,


Minimum 7 players; maximum (including subs) 10 players

  • No age categories, teams composed of any players aged 50+

Rules can be found on the England Netball page.


The rules are the same as standard netball rules, with the exception of:

  • No walking or running – “A player must have at least part of one foot in contact with the court at all times.”
  • Players may take an extra step once the ball has been received – “A player may receive the ball with one foot grounded and then take two steps while in possession of the ball before it must be thrown or shoot.”
  • Players may hold the ball for an extra second – ‘A player may throw the ball within four (4) seconds of receiving the ball.’


This year’s walking netball tournament supported and delivered by England Netball.